1.Master Replicas,這是一家目前主打StarWars系列的複製電影道具販售公司,之前做經 典三部曲系列的複製電影道具公司Icons-replicas,其授權已在1999年前 終止(後來我就找不到這家Icons的網站),所以在星戰首部曲上映後, 一時之間並沒有新版本的星戰官方授權光劍存在。後來,由Master Replicas這家公司取得授權,趁著星戰二部曲的風潮,讓世界各地的星戰 同好可以在線上訂購官方授權製造的道具光劍及其他武器,內容也不僅限於二部曲中出現的種類。該公司的產品似乎是以武器造型及其知名度來考量推出順序,有些目 前已經賣完,限量品開始成為競標網站上的商品。(By Pygmeae)
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產品名 | 售價(美金) | 限量 |
韓蘇洛雷射槍 | 449 | 1500 | |
路克光劍 | 299 | 2500 | |
歐比王光劍 | 299 | 5000 | |
尤達光劍 | 249 | 5000 | |
Dooku伯爵光劍 | 299 | 5000 | |
安納金聲光版光劍 | 129 | - | |
黑武士聲光版光劍 | 129 | - | |
展示盒 | 49 | - |
(1) Han Solo Blaster
(2) 路克EP6版光劍 Luke Skywalker Lightsaber from "Return of the Jedi"
(3) 歐比王EP2版光劍 Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber from "Attack of the Clones"
(4) 尤達EP2版光劍 Yoda Lightsaber from "Attack of the Clones"
(5) 安納金EP2 FX版光劍 Anakin Skywalker FX Edition from "Attack of the Clones"
(6) 維德EP4簽名版光劍 Darth Vader Lightsaber from "A New Hope" (with Signature Edition)
(7) 杜酷EP2簽名版光劍 Count Dooku Lightsaber from "Attack of the Clones" (with Signature Edition)
(1) 絕地訓練球 Jedi Training Remote from "A New Hope"
(2) 達斯魔EP1簽名版光劍 Darth Maul Lightsaber from "The Phantom Menace" (with Signature Edition)
(3) 維德EP5簽名版光劍 Darth Vader Lightsaber from "The Empire Strikes Back" (with Signature Edition)
(4) 路克EP5簽名版光劍 Luke Skywalker Lightsaber from "The Empire Strikes Back" (with Signature Edition)
(5) 歐比王EP4初建版光劍 Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber "As first built by Obi-Wan"(Collectors Society Exclusive)
(6) 魅使•雲度EP2簽名版光劍 Mace Windu Lightsaber from "Attack of the Clones" (with Signature Edition)
(7) 維德EP4 FX版光劍 Darth Vader Lightsaber Force FX Edition from "A New Hope"
(8) 路克EP6 FX版光劍 Luke Skywalker Lightsaber Force FX Edition from "Return of the Jedi"
(9) 強格•費特EP2版雙槍 Jango Fett Blaster Set from "Attack of the Clones"
(10) 帝國皇帝EP6版柺杖 Emperor Palpatine Cane and Cloak Clasp from "Return of the Jedi"(介紹整理中)
(11) 定時熱能炸彈EP6髒污版 Thermal Detonator from "Return of the Jedi" (with Clean and Signature Edition)
(12)達斯魔EP1戰損版光劍 Darth Maul Battle Damaged Lightsaber from "The Phantom Menace"(介紹整理中)
(1) 雅汶戰役勳章EP4版 Medal of Yavin from "A New Hope"
(2) 安納金光劍EP2簽名版 Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber from "Attack of the Clones" (with Signature edition)
(3) 魅使•雲度EP2 FX版光劍 Mace Windu FX Lightsaber from "Attack of the Clones"
(4) 路克EP5 FX版光劍 Luke Skywalker FX Lightsaber from "The Empire Strikes Back"
(5) 莉亞公主EP4簽名版手槍 Princess Leia Blaster from "A New Hope" with Signature Edition
(6) 反抗軍EP4版雷射槍 Rebel Trooper Blaster from "A New Hope"
(7) 帝國風暴兵EP4版雷射槍 Stormtrooper Blaster from "A New Hope" (介紹整理中)
(8) 帝國AT-AT EP5版 AT-AT from "The Empire Strikes back"(介紹整理中)
(1) 反抗軍EP5版雪地戰機 Snow Speeder from "The Empire Strikes Back"(介紹整理中)
(2) 維德EP5 FX版光劍 Darth Vader FX Lightsaber from "The Empire Strikes Back"
(3) 安納金EP3 FX版光劍 Anakin Skywalker FX Lightsaber from "Revenge of the Sith"
(4) 達斯•西帝EP3版光劍 Darth Sidious Lightsaber from "Revenge of the Sith"
(5) 安納金EP3版光劍 Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber from "Revenge of the Sith"
(6) 歐比王E3版光劍 Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber from "Revenge of the Sith"
(7) 尤達EP3戰損版光劍 Yoda Lightsaber from "Revenge of the Sith"
(8) 韓蘇洛EP5版雷射槍 Han Solo Blaster from "The Empire Strikes Back"
(9) 維德EP3版光劍 Darth Vader Lightsaber from "Revenge of the Sith"
(10) 帝國AT-AT雪地簽名版 AT-AT from "The Empire Strikes back" Signature Edition
(1) 複製人震擊部隊頭盔EP3版 Shock Trooper Helmet from "Revenge of the Sith" Retail Exclusive
(2) 複製人士兵頭盔EP3版 Clone Trooper Helmet from "Revenge of the Sith"
(3) 特殊OPS部隊士兵頭盔EP3版 Special Ops Trooper Helmet from "Revenge of the Sith"
(4) 星際軍團士兵頭盔EP3版 Star Corps Trooper Helmet from "Revenge of the Sith" Star Wars Shop Excluesive
(5) 維德EP3版頭盔 Darth Vader Helmet from "Revenge of the Sith"
(6) 歐比王EP1 Elite版光劍 Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber from "The Phantom Menace" Elite Edition
(7) 路克EP4 Elite版光劍 Luke Skywalker Lightsaber from "A New Hope" Elite Edition
(8) 魁剛金EP1版光劍 Qui-Gon Jinn Lightsaber from "The Phantom Menace"
(9) 達斯魔EP1 FX版光劍 Darth Maul FX Lightsaber from "The Phantom Menace"
(10) 波巴•費特雷射槍EP5簽名版 Boba Fett Blaster from "The Empire Strikes Back"
(11) 反抗軍Y翼戰機EP4版 Y-Wing Fighter from "A New Hope"
(12) 千年蒼鷹號 EP5版 Millennium Falcon from "The Empire Strikes Back"
(1) 維德EP6版光劍 Darth Vader Lightsaber from "Return of the Jedi"
(2) 歐比王EP3 FX版光劍 Obi-Wan FX Lightsaber from "Revenge of the Sith"
(3) 尤達EP3 FX版光劍 Yoda FX Lightsaber from "Revenge of the Sith"
(4) 帝國兵頭盔EP4版 Stormtrooper Helmet from "A New Hope"
(5) 波巴費特頭盔 EP5版 Boba Fett Helmet from "The Empire Strikes Back"
Luke Skywalker ROTJ Lightsaber
Luke Skywalker ROTJ Lightsaber Gold Chase
Mace Windu AOTC Lightsaber
Mace Windu AOTC Lightsaber Gold Chase
Obi-Wan Kenobi AOTC Lightsaber
Obi-Wan Kenobi AOTC Lightsaber Gold Chase
Count Dooku AOTC Lightsaber
Count Dooku AOTC Lightsaber Gold Chase
Darth Maul TPM Lightsaber
Darth Maul TPM Lightsaber Gold Chase
Darth Vader ANH Lightsaber
Darth Vader ANH Lightsaber Gold Chase
Yoda ROTS Lightsaber
Yoda ROTS Lightsaber Gold Chase
Darth Sidious ROTS Lightsaber
Darth Sidious ROTS Lightsaber Gold Chase
Darth Tyranus ROTS Lightsaber
Darth Tyranus ROTS Lightsaber Gold Chase
Darth Vader ROTS Lightsaber
Darth Vader ROTS Lightsaber Gold Chase
Luke Skywalker ROTJ Lightsaber (2004 eBay Exclusive)
Obi-Wan Kenobi ANH "As First Built" Lightsaber
(2004 Convention Exclusive)
Obi-Wan Kenobi ANH "As First Built" Gold Lightsaber
(2004 Collector's Society Exclusive)
Obi-Wan Kenobi ANH Weathered Lightsaber (2004 Shared Exclusive)
Obi-Wan Kenobi ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber
(2005 Celebration III Convention Exclusive)
Obi-Wan Kenobi ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber Gold Chase
(2005 Celebration III Convention Exclusive)
Darth Sidious ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber
(Best Buy Exclusive)
Darth Sidious ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber Gold Chase
(Best Buy Exclusive)
Yoda ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber
(2005 SDCC Exclusive)
Yoda ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber Gold Chase
(2005 SDCC Exclusive)
Anakin Skywalker ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber
(2005 SWShop Exclusive)
Anakin Skywalker ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber Gold Chase
(2005 SW Shop Exclusive)
Darth Maul TPM (2005 Collectors Society Exclusive)
(2005 SW Shop Exclusive)